Navigating the Controversy: My Journey with Equity in Education - Equity Audits

Navigating the waters of equity in education can often feel like treading a delicate balance. I've frequently found myself in the hot seat, facing accusations that suggest I don't prioritize equity simply because I question the immediate necessity of third-party equity audits. Especially when we've been diligently conducting what I consider to be thorough needs assessments at GCPS, the question arises: Do we truly need to invest in these “audits” at this precise moment?

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Fact vs. Opinion

One of the biggest hurdles I face is clarifying the distinction between fact and opinion regarding hot topics about public education and their impact on our school system. It's easy for misinformation to spread like wildfire, leading to misunderstandings and even division within our community.

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The Why: A Mother’s Perspective

When I first considered running for the school board, it wasn't just about my own children's education; it was about the countless other families in our community who rely on our public schools to provide a high - quality education and a nurturing environment for their children. Public schools are more than just buildings where students go to learn; they are supposed to be vibrant hubs of learning, creativity, and community engagement.

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